Welcome to my website. Here is a small insite to who I am and what I like and do!

First Impressions Last

During these testing times of COVID-19 lockdowns I have managed to remain motivated. I have helped out while my Nan has had to isolate in her 80's. The following shows some of the activities I have got involved in!


Heart of England Secondary School

Qualification Level: GCSE

Exam board AQA:

Design and Technology: GRADE 7

Mathematics: GRADE 6

English Literature: GRADE 5

Geography: GRADE 5

English language: GRADE 3 [Spoken Language MERIT]

Religious Studies: GRADE 3

Exam board OCR:

Combined Science (Gateway Science): GRADE 6-6

Art and Design: Fine Art GRADE 5

Information Technologies: Pass at Level 2

Sixth Form:

Currently studying A’ Level Maths, Physics and Chemistry

My Car

I recently passed my driving test and I am now the proud owner of the black Ford Fiesta pictured above...

Fixing that dangerous patio

Many of my Nan's patio slabs had moved over time and had become a trip hazard. I spent an afternoon leveling out the slabs that needed moving.